แอพ Cardboard Camera ทำให้มือถือคุณถ่ายภาพ VR ได้ง่ายๆ

Google Cardboard is a toy VR (Virtual Reality) is very successful. It also has the application functionality and content. Load up or get out a lot recently, Google has launched a new app that lets you save stories Cardboard Camera around. To become a VR and recorded with added.

VR photography and record sensitive, we do not have the Cardboard can be used only to load applications from Cardboard Camera Playstore (approximately 35MB), then open up the app, you can choose to shoot it. The imaging methods, it is akin to shooting Photosphere is to move the camera until it reached 360 degrees by the time the shooting may also be recording around with.

ตัวอย่างแอพ Cardboard camera

Even though you will not have to use Cardboard but will still need to use Cardboard is the same here. The app itself will include sample images shot then we can try to see it. The play was good, and if we find that it took time to visit different places to shoot. I wanted others to share the scene with a 360-degree sound with. I had to stand in the place it really is. Here's how it is.

Google cardboard

Google cardboad viewer

vr box

I try to play it over the top to the bottom is not. Only to turn the corner in front of 360 degrees, but it is okay because it is mobile and may also be done without any interest charges.

ref: droidsans.com/google-launch-cardboard-camera-vr-capture-with-sound

+070011 1 25 November 2016

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